New Culture Summer Camp East

July 12-21, 2024

Summer Camp East 2024 has been CANCELED.

Our focus this year:


Connecting across difference

Creating a culture of dignity and respect for all

Listening deeply across identities and ideological divides

Defusing our tendencies to demonize and judge self and others

Finding our common ground and our honest disagreements

Re-Inventing Society

If you dream that it’s possible … join us in making it real!

Imagine a community of loving people who care about each other and the Earth.

Discover relationships that are both heartful and free.
Step into your own power to build a life that works.​

New Culture Summer Camp isn’t quite like anything else.
CLICK HERE to read the Communities Magazine article about us!

Check out some of our testimonials:


$795-$1495 – Fees are on a sliding scale. Any money received above and beyond our basic cost will go towards a scholarship fund for lower income individuals and the improvement of this and future Camps. We ask you to pay as high on the scale as you can reasonably afford.

Register before June 3rd and receive a $100 early bird credit!

There are scholarship funds available for those truly in need. If you want to be at camp, we want to have you here! Fill out a financial assistance form here, and we’ll contact you to work out a win/win if you need assistance to come.

The registration fee covers all workshops, events, a campsite, and all meals shown on the schedule. Every all-natural meal will have vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and non-dairy options, and we can accommodate most other special dietary needs as well.

Indoor accommodations available from $125 per person for the entire event. More information on what accommodations are available can be found on the “Register” page.

More Info:

In just over a week together, we will explore our own potential, learn skills to help create a sustainable society, and build connections with others that last all year long! At New Culture Summer Camp, we invite top-notch presenters, and live, work, learn and play together for 10 days or more.

New Culture Summer Camp East is an extended experience of building a sustainable, violence-free culture through intimacy, personal growth, transparency, radical honesty, equality, compassion, freedom of choice in interpersonal and sexual relationships, and the power of community.

We work to create a welcoming space for all humans, including POC, trans, gender diverse, LGB, non-monogamous, disabled, and neurodiverse folx of all ages and backgrounds. Hate speech or discrimination of any kind is not welcome in the space. Please come with an open mind and open ears, and a willingness to learn about experiences different than your own.

New Culture Summer Camp takes place at a shady campground with a delightful stream alongside, about 3 hours west of the Baltimore and Washington DC area. There’s a lodge and cabins, too, so some dorm-style indoor accommodations are available for additional cost.

Click here to see our Facebook Event page

The Goals:

Making new connections. Deepening our existing relationships. Gaining relationship skills and personal empowerment techniques. Building our soul community that stays with us all year long. Many participants can expect to wind up connected with other participants on an ongoing basis, through e-lists, frequent gatherings, personal relationships, and joint projects.

What is Unique About New Culture Summer Camp?

The Wisdom of the Community

We have an eclectic yet integrated approach to creating an environment that allows each person to thrive. We bring in top-notch presenters who share a wide range of tools, techniques, and insights for dealing with all aspects of relationships, sexuality, and self-integration. The result is that our participants have a huge pool of technologies and practices to draw from. Each person is fully “at choice” in any of our events, and each person is free to use the insights and practices that work best for them.

There’s Time to Get to Know Each Other

Not just another superficial meet-and-greet, Summer Camp is 10 days long so that there is time for real connections to be made, and real interactions that create a basis for ongoing connections after the retreat as well. Of course, intimate connections sometimes have their challenges. The program offers new tools and skills training that help those connections reach their full potential, with support available from experienced team members.

Only One Workshop at a Time

There is none of the scattered energy that many events have. For most of the retreat, there is one workshop at a time, chosen for its critical value for virtually all campers, led by a nationally known facilitator. Those who choose to go to a workshop will have new skills and experiences shared with most of the other participants, building the context for ongoing relationships and adding to the common context available to all campers. Certain topics may be critical for some people, but not relevant to many others; these will also be offered one at a time, with free time and recreational and connecting activities as alternatives.

Group Practices Supporting Transparency and Understanding

Most of these are created and facilitated by participants. We have morning whole group check-ins, afternoon community circles, and one on one support whenever you need it. And of course, everything is optional– you are fully “at choice” about your attendance and/or participation in any activity or workshop.